Grant applications


  • Research Support office (Forskningsstøtteenheden) helps scientists in the preparation of applications for external funding . The sooner they are contacted the better help they can provide. When applying for funds from the EU you have to contact 'Forskningstøtteenheden'. Contacts can be found here
  • Registration of applications:
  • You can see what applications should be registered here

When awarded a project

When awarded a project the following should be send to the administrator:

  • Application
  • Budget
  • Cooperation agreement ('Bevillingsskrivelse' / 'Samarbejdsaftale')

Cooperation agreements should be approved by Technology Transfer Office before the project can be established

Foundations and programmes

Foundations and programmes

Foundations and programmes


Research Professional –

Research Professional is an external funding database with a comprehensive coverage of especially European and other international funding opportunities within all research areas.

All employees at Aarhus University have access to the database, and the search results can be saved, downloaded or shared with colleagues.

When signing up, you will continuously be notified of funding opportunities that are relevant to you or your research group.

Create your profile here