DIBS'18 - Danish Instruments for Big Science

Do you work with big science* instrumentation? Or are you interested to do so? Are you working on preparing an experiment where you need external competences to finish your work? Then the meeting ‘Danish Instruments for Big Science’ may be of interest to you.

Info about event


Monday 22 January 2018,  at 09:00 - 16:30


Aud I, 1514-213, Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, Langelandsgade 140, Aarhus C

This series of conferences sets focus on scientific instruments designed and built by Danish scientist or Danish companies; instruments that are developed for use at research infrastructures like CERN, ESO, or ESS.

The purpose of DIBS is to encourage cooperation, knowledge sharing, and capacity building between science and industry and between scientific communities. Therefore, we have organized DIBS as a mixture of scientific and industrial presentations, posters, and networking.

It is free to participate in DIBS and we encourage you to bring a poster where you present your work and where this applies to either Big Science or where you could use a supplier to improve your project.

DIBS’18 will be held at the Department of Chemistry, Aarhus University, on Monday the 22nd of January 2018.

Go to chem.au.dk/DIBS18 for more information and registration.

*E.g. Neutron scattering, Synchrotron radiation, High energy physics, Telescopes, Satellites, Fusion etc.

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