Joint Distinguished iNANO & DANDRITE Lecture: Behind the Scenes of Scientific Publishing

Anne Færch Nielsen PhD, Editor, The EMBO Journal

Info about event


Friday 17 April 2015,  at 10:15 - 11:00


iNANO auditorium, Gustav Wieds Vej 14, 8000 Aarhus C

Anne Færch Nielsen

Anne Færch Nielsen PhD,  Editor, The EMBO Journal

Behind the Scenes of Scientific Publishing
Publishing research papers is a cornerstone of working in life sciences, but do you know what actually happens to your manuscript once it is submitted to a scientific journal?

In this talk, Anne Nielsen – scientific editor for The EMBO journal – will take you behind the scenes of scientific publishing at EMBO and explain how editors make decisions, find referees and work with authors to improve the revised manuscript. She will also discuss some of the challenges faced by the current publishing landscape, talk about the efforts EMBO is making to prevent errors and fraud from entering the literature, and offer you direct advice on manuscript writing and submission.

Short biography
Anne Nielsen obtained her PhD in molecular biology from Aarhus University in Denmark in 2008 and worked as a postdoc in Javier Martinez' lab at IMBA in Vienna for three years before leaving the lab in early 2012 to become a scientific editor for The EMBO Journal in Heidelberg.


Host: Professor Poul Nissen, iNANO & Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics - DANDRITE

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