Accidents, which are sudden incidents in connection with work, that lead to someone being physically or mentally injured must be reported to your group supervisor, iNANOs Work Environment Committee and/or iNANO management as soon as possible after the incident.
iNANOs Work Environment Committee strongly encourages you to report any near accidents, which are incidents where no one was injured but which could have led to injury. To report near accidents we kindly ask you to fill in and submit the web form below.
If you are involved in a work related accident and suffer any sort of injury (or suspect that an injury may have happened), you must contact your leader and/or your health and safety representative as quickly as possible.
You are also strongly encouraged to report near accidents that did not result in personal injury. Near accidents cover both situations where it was about to go completely wrong as well as more harmless incidents. A near-accident is, in short, when an employee experiences a situation that could have led to an accident at work.
When reporting near accidents you help the organisation in learning from the incident and may even prevent a future work accident from happening.
Both accidents and near accidents kan be reported by completing a simple web form on this web page. After you have filled in the web form a a work environment representative will contact you as soon as possible.